Our joint commitment within the Conference of the ORs makes it possible to set perspectives other than the narrowly continental visions of European policies. We are working to ensure that the European Union is fully open to the reality of our distance from the continent and that it is also more sensitive to the reality of our proximity to third countries. We therefore call for the new European strategy to be even more recognised as those territories that link Europe to all points of the earth, territories that open up networks of exchange and solidarity with the most remote areas of the continent. Our territories represent a considerable asset for the entire European Union, giving it a global dimension.
It is when the European Union agrees to use the reference to Article 349 as early as possible in its legislation that the ORs are able to obtain concrete and beneficial results, such as those contained in cohesion policy, or in tax and customs policies. And this is also, of course, where Europe is most convincing.
The very purpose of European integration is, first and foremost, to defend and promote a social model, and I hope that the next strategy in favour of the outermost regions will be profoundly marked by this social dimension. This ambition will have to focus on the central issues of education, training and employment and on the need to strengthen the human dimension of European policies in favour of the ORs. It is on this condition that Europe will once again be able to speak to the hearts of our fellow citizens, and to those of our young people in particular…