Place: Tenerife - Canary Islands
Date : 13/04/2018


The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to sensitize the members of the Committee of the Regions on the outermost reality to favor the adoption of messages that defend the interests of the ORs during the participation of this institution in the European legislative and decision-making process; On the other hand, to bring together all the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the EC strategy 6 months after the adoption of the same for a first exchange on its content and monitoring of its actions.


– Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12. Preparatory meeting of the Monitoring Committee
– Thursday 12. Meeting of the Monitoring Committee with the URUP on the follow-up of the actions of the strategy.
– Friday the 13th: session of the COTER Committee of the CoR

– Representatives of the ORs through the Monitoring Committee.
– Representatives of the European Commission: URUP and the Director of DG REGIO, Mrs Spinant
– Full and alternate members (Presidents or members of the Government) of the regions represented in the COTER

– Canarian civil society?